Account and Settings


The Applause platform offers numerous options to manage and update your account info and preferences.

How to Access Account Info and Settings
  1. Open the Applause platform.
  2. Click “Account & Settings” from the left-hand navigation menu.


Account Info

You can modify your basic information such as your name, email, password and profile image from this page.

Screenshot showing Account Info section


Account Preferences

You can update different preferences related to the Applause platform according to your needs.

Screenshot showing Account Preferences section

Item Navigation

If this setting is enabled, whenever you change the status of an issue - i.e. approve or reject an issue - you will automatically be taken to the next issue in your list.

CSV Export Configuration

You can define the separator of your choice in your exported CSV files. EU users should use a semicolon instead of a comma for regional settings compatibility.

Email Notifications

You may choose to disable all email notifications from the platform.

Test Cycle Notifications

You can choose which emails you would like to receive in order to stay up to date with your testing. This is available only if you did not disable all email notifications.

Chat Notifications

Select how and when you would prefer to be notified of chat messages.


Data Export

Here you can see all connectors set up for your company and their logs. The information displayed for each Connector includes the name, type and date/time of the last message processed (excluding connection testing).

Screenshot showing Date Export tab section



You can review your contractual entitlements, your billing history and related account details here.

Screenshot showing Billing section


User Management

Once you have established a project, you will need to add your colleagues to the platform. See the User Management course for more details.

Screenshot showing User Management section


API Keys

You might need API keys while setting up the integration between the Applause platform and your Bug Tracking System. See the Bug Tracking System course for more details.

Screenshot showing API Keys section