Applause TestRail Integration


Applause - TestRail Integration is an integration service between the Applause platform and TestRail test case management system to allow the transfer of test cases and results between the two platforms to keep the test cases and test results in sync for analysis and reporting.

The integration is based on TestRail APIs and comes with a few limitations. Please make sure to check the Limitations section below for more information.

What You Can Do

Once the integration is successful, you should be able to do the following:

What You Need

To set up the integration, you need the following things:


Setting Up the Applause TestRail Integration

There are four main steps required to integrate TestRail with the Applause platform.

Step 1: Establish the Connection

  1. Open Applause platform and select a product.
  2. From the left navigation bar expand the Configuration dropdown and open Integrations.
  3. Select Data Export and click the “New Connector” button.
  4. Provide a connector name and select “TestRail” as the connector type.
  5. Provide your TestRail URL, user account email and the API key.
  6. Click “Fetch Projects”.
    • If the connection is successful, your TestRail projects will be visible under the Projects Mapping section.
    • If the connection is not successful, check your TestRail instance and API key details.

Step 2: Project Mapping

Next, the TestRail project needs to be mapped to the Applause Products.

  1. Select the TestRail project from the list.
  2. Next, select one or more Applause Products which you want to link to the selected TestRail project.
  3. Click “Save and continue”.

You need to create one connector for each TestRail project. Also, remember an Applause Product can be part of only one TestRail Project.

Step 3: Fields Mapping
  1. Moving on, map each Applause test case required field to a relevant TestRail field.
    • Select “None” if there’s no relevant TestRail field for a particular Applause field and provide a default value for the specific field
  2. Next, map the TestRail required fields to Applause fields.
    • You need to map the Priority field as well as the values between Testail and Applause, so that the Priority value can be correctly interpreted and assigned to the test case. The Priority field can take one of the following values: Critical, High, Medium, Low.
  3. Map the optional fields similarly if you want.
    • In the Applause optional fields there’s the References field. The Reference value is a single text field with values separated by commas. Each value before the comma is read and added to the Reference integration value and added to the Reference value field. Reference Integration Applause specifies which system the value comes from.

Step 4: Test Case Results Mapping
  1. Finally, map each Applause test case result field to a relevant TestRail field.
  2. Review the fields and test results mapping carefully.
  3. Click “Save” to save the connector and all configurations.

Your TestRail instance is now successfully integrated with the Applause platform.

Best Practices
Connector Logs

Connector synchronization logs show details for all test case synchronization jobs performed with a selected connector.

To view a list of logs for a certain connector:

  1. Select the connector to view logs for.
  2. Specify the date range to access the logs.
  3. Select one or more statuses of the logs - Success, Failure and Partial Success.
    1. Partial Success can happen when a test case was successfully imported from TestRail and created in Applause but some of the test case attachments weren’t imported properly.

Each line in the log shows the log for a synchronization job. When clicking on a specific job, the tasks are shown in detail to make it easier to understand where the failure is.

To view more details on the specific synchronization task, click on the task log.