Quality Score by Build and Build Details


You can view a list of cards containing build details in the “Quality Score by Build” tab. To access more detailed data visualizations about a build, click “Show all details” in the bottom right corner of the relevant card.

Note: The builds are sorted based on their creation date, from the newest to the oldest, allowing you to concentrate on more recent results and trends.


Issues Tab

The Issues tab consists of several sections, providing greater insights into the test results for the build.

Build Info

High level information about the build is displayed to provide context to the results.

Issues Breakdown

This section provides an overview of the collected issues. The total number of issues is displayed across different phases. You can toggle the results by issue life cycle phases, impacting all other Build Overview sections.

Resolution Breakdown

Breakdown by Issue Properties

By default this is presented for the Approved issue – click the other issue life cycle phases to view the internal Severity/Value distribution for them.

Note: Hiding some of these metrics is possible – contact your Applause team if needed.

Pending Triage Issues

In case there are some issues still pending triage, this will be indicated. You should complete triage in a timely manner so you can treat the results displayed more reliably (also it increases the Confidence Level for AQS).


The Coverage section enables a deeper dive of the collected results based on technology and location. Examining the results by coverage allows you to better address issues as well as align the testing strategy of future builds.

Coverage by Technology

Offers the distribution of results by the Operating Systems issues reported against. To drill even deeper, hover over the Operating Systems (OS) – mobile OSs will be sliced by device and OS version and desktop OSs will be sliced by web browser and OS version.

Coverage by Location

Offers a map view highlighting the distribution of results based on the tester country issues were reported from. You may zoom the map in and out and drag it to focus on interest areas.

Issues by Component

Issues by Components provides an in-depth view of the results by the components set for the tested product.

Identifying how issues are distributed across components allows you to better address issues as well as align the testing strategy of future builds.

Filtering the Issues by Component

On top of the overall distribution, you may also filter the results by:

The Goal of the Testing Services Section

The Testing Services section allows you to better understand the testing process. While testing is performed by the Applause Community and driven by your project team, understanding issue accumulations, testing times and triage status keep you informed about the process, allowing you to fine-tune the testing strategy of future builds with your Applause project team.

What You Can View Under the Testing Services Section


Test Cases Tab

The Test Cases tab includes detailed information about the test case results for the build.

Test Cases Breakdown

This section provides an overview of the test case results. You can toggle the results across the stages.

Test Cases by Component

This section will allow you to more accurately identify where to focus quality improvement efforts.

Test Cases by Suite

This section will show you test case stats by suite.