How to Configure BTS Integration


There are four main required steps to configure the BTS Integration:

  1. Adding and assigning connectors to the product
  2. Establishing connection with your BTS
  3. Defining a connector to map the Applause fields to the BTS’s
  4. Testing the integration


Adding and Assigning Connectors to the Product

To begin configuring the BTS Integration and select your BTS, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Applause platform and select a product.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Integrations from the left navigation menu.
  3. Here you can see all connectors set up for your company. The information displayed for each Connector includes the name, type and date/time of the last message processed (excluding connection testing).
  4. Click New Connector; the New Connector form will be displayed.
  5. Under Connector Details, provide the Connector name and select the system you’re integrated with as the Connector Type. Note that as you make your selection, the subsequent configuration options will be displayed.
  6. Under General Settings, select the products the Connector will be assigned to, and whether to include attachments as files during the export.



Establishing Connection with Your BTS

After completing the general settings and product assignment, you will need to establish connection with your BTS.

Establishing connection will ensure that the Applause platform can communicate correctly with your BTS. In addition, for BTS-specific integrations, the issue settings within your BTS will be returned to the platform.

Steps to Establish Connection with Your BTS
  1. Provide the connection details to your BTS - (URL, username, password or API token, project or repository identifier) depending on the BTS requirements.
  2. For Jira Connector only:
    • Check if SNI (Server Name Indication) is enabled.
  3. Once completed, click “Test Connection”. If all provided details are accurate and communication is enabled between the Applause platform to your BTS, you should get a message that the test was successful. If not, check your inputs and/or work with your IT and Applause Team to enable communication.

Note: When implementing changes to Connector Settings while editing an already-set Connector, in case the connection fails, you may be able to upload a previously-set connection by clicking Load Latest Connection.


Mapping the Applause Fields to the BTS’s

Once the connection has been established, your BTS’s issue settings are returned to the Applause platform. You may now configure what fields you would like to send to your BTS to appear in the created issue.

Users are required to set the mapping of the Description field. Learn more about it in this course.

In addition to field mapping, in some cases, you may need to map between specific values, to add a dynamic set of values in your BTS.


Refreshing the Connection

In the event that the issue settings on your BTS have changed, you will need to refresh the connection.


Editing the Connection Settings

It is important to note that editing the Connection Settings will reset the field mapping.

To edit or delete an existing connector, click the icons at the top of the Connector Details page.



Testing the Integration

Once the BTS Connector is set, it is recommended to test the integration prior to asking other users to use it. The timestamp of the latest message processed displayed in the Connectors List and in Connection Settings will assist you with this task. You can test the integration directly from the integrations page by clicking the button Send Test Bug.