Test Cycle Details


There are many more details available for the test cycle than what’s offered in the test cycle list.

How to View Full Test Cycle Details
  1. Select a product.
  2. While in the test cycle list page, locate the desired test cycle.
  3. Click on the test cycle name.

The test cycle details page consists of several tabs, which may vary based on the testing scope offered in the cycles. 


The overview highlights the key settings of the test cycle, including the tested build, testing methodology, in/out of scope definitions, test cases included and more.


The Summary tab provides an overview of the cycle run, including data breakdown and stats.


This tab contains the list of issues reported by the testers during the cycle.

Test Case Results

Test Case Results contains a list of test case runs executed by the testers and their results, status, test case, environment and the executing tester.

Test Case Coverage

Test Case Coverage provides a breakdown of executed test cases and their results across different environments. This allows you to understand what functionality (test cases) and technology (environments) were covered by the testers during the cycle.


The Reviews tab contains a list of product reviews provided by the testers, their overall rating and status.

Known Issues

The Known Issues tab contains a filtered issue list, including only issues marked as “Known Issue”.