Completing the Integration with Jira



You’ll need the following in order to complete the Jira Connector configuration:

Note that only basic authentication is supported at this time.

Jira API Endpoints

If necessary, the following Jira API Endpoints need to be whitelisted:


Jira Connector

Once the BTS Integration was added, Jira was selected as the connector type and products were assigned, you’ll be required to provide the following information:


Set your web-based access to Jira.


This is the username of the prerequisite Jira user.

Password/API Token

This is the password or API Token of the prerequisite Jira user.

Project Key

This is the key of the prerequisite Jira project

Issue Type

This is the default issue type for bugs sent from the Applause platform. Note that the integration currently does not support creating/updating Sub-Task issue types.


Notes and Tips

Note the following hints and tips while setting up the integration with Jira and hints on BTS general.


When using the Labels field on field mapping please note:


Starting 2019, Jira’s new issue view encodes URLs with special characters, which affects many Applause issue attachment URL links and causes an error upon clicking the link from within your Jira’s new view of an exported bug. Optional workarounds:

SNI (Server Name Indication)

If your Jira Server utilizes SNI make sure to enable this option. You may need to re-establish the connection to the server.

Two-way Jira Integration

Learn more about how to set up the Two-way Integration here.