Adding Statuses in My Jira for Two-Way Integration

Setting up the Two-Way Jira Integration enables you to also implement a streamlined Bug Verification Workflow. Setting up the Bug Verification Workflow includes mapping issue status fields between Jira and the Applause platform.

The issue status mapping will require the following statuses:

  1. Jira issue status (e.g. “Ready for Testing”) that will mark the matching Applause issue as “Ready to Verify”.
  2. Jira issue status (e.g. “Verified” or “Closed”) that will mark the matching Applause issue as “Resolved”.
  3. Jira issue status that will be set on your Jira issue (e.g. “Verified”) when the matching Applause issue verification passes (e.g. "Verified Passed").
  4. Jira issue status that will be set on your Jira issue (e.g. “Failed Testing”) when the matching Applause issue verification fails (e.g. "Verified Failed").


Editing Active Jira Workflows

If you are editing an existing, active Jira project, it is suggested that you copy or make a backup of the workflow.

Some versions of Jira may block adding outgoing transitions unless the workflow is in “Draft” status (“editing an active workflow”). To add the transitions, you can make a copy of the workflow (under Jira Administration > Issues > Workflows).

The newly copied workflow will be Inactive and will support adding the statuses and transitions described below.

How to Add Issue Statuses in Jira

To add a new status in your Jira instance, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Jira instance with an admin account.
  2. Press on the gear on the top-right corner and choose "Issues".
  3. Choose "Statuses" on the left menu.
  4. Click the "Add Status" button.
  5. Fill in the new status details in the dialog.



Adding Transitions

Now, you need to set up the transitions to/from these statuses as follows:

  1. Make sure that a transition exists that leads into the “Ready to Verify” status (or its equivalent in your system) from your usual workflow (i.e., “Code Merged” to “Ready to Verify”). If a transition does not exist, add it according to the directions below.
  2. Add transitions between your “Ready to Verify” status (or equivalent) to the “Verify Passed” status (or its equivalent) and between your “Ready to Verify” status to the “Verify Failed” status if they are not specified. It is suggested that you disable the “Allow all statuses to transition to this one” option for both the “Verify Passed” and “Verify Failed” statuses in the workflow (so that you maintain control of when approved fix verification results trigger a transition).
  3. In case of a mismatch in the bug verification results (Passed for one tester, but then failed for a different tester), Applause will update your Jira issue status twice: once for the passed verification and second for the failed one. To support this functionality, transitions should be set between your “Verify Passed” and “Verified Failed” statuses.
Navigating to the Workflow Page
  1. Log in to your Jira instance with an admin account.
  2. Press on the gear on the top-right corner and choose "Issues".
  3. Choose “Workflows” from the left navigation menu.
  4. If you have a workflow for your project press on "Edit" next to it, otherwise create a new workflow and then edit it.
  5. Click the "Diagram" button.
Examples of Adding Transitions

Add a transition from Passed verification to Failed verification:

  1. Click the “Add transition” button.
  2. In the dialog, for “From status” choose the Verified/Applause Verified status and for “To status” choose Failed Testing/Verification Failed​.
  3. Name the transition and press on "Add".

Add a transition from Failed verification to Passed verification:

  1. Click the "Add transition" button.
  2. In the dialog, choose your Verification Failed status as the “From status” and Verified as the “To status”..
  3. Name the transition and press on "Add".


Setting the Project’s Workflow to the New Copy

Once you are done adding the transitions, you can set the Project’s Workflow to the new copy:

  1. Under Jira Administration > Projects, click the project name to reach the Product Settings page.
  2. If the Issues page was opened when opening the project, click the Back to project item on the left side menu.
  3. Then open Project settings from the left side menu.
  4. Click Add Workflow > Add Existing.
  5. Select the new workflow name.
  6. And select the issue types (i.e. Bug).
  7. Publish the changes.